Self employment tax calculator is a tax calculator to estimates the tax for self employment. The 1099 tax calculator will estimate your taxes for social security, and medicare.
1099 Tax Calculator |
Gross Pay |
Self Employment Tax | |
Social Security | |
Medicare |
The total self-employment tax is 15.3% including social security tax and medicare tax.
To calculate self-employment tax, first, deduct half of the self-employment tax 7.65%, or multiply your self-employment pay by 0.9235, that is the pay we used to calculate self-employment tax.
Then multiply by 12.4% to get the social security tax, multiply by 2.9% to get the Medicare tax.
Single filers pay an additional 0.9% in Medicare taxes if income is over $200,000 ($250,000 for married filing jointly).
For example, if your gross pay is $50,000,
$50,000 x 0.9235 = $46,175.
$46,175 x 0.124 = $5,726. (social security tax)
$46,175 x 0.029 = $1,339. (medicare tax)
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