Reverse Sales Tax Calculator is used to calculate the original price of an item given the tax rate and the tax added price.
Reverse Sales Tax Calculator |
Price with Tax: | $ |
Sales Tax: | % |
Item Price |
Before Tax Price | |
Sales Tax | |
Final Price |
A reverse sales tax calculator helps you calculate the pre-tax price of a product or service. A regular sales tax calculator takes in the cost of an item and adds the tax to get the final price, whereas a reverse sales tax calculator takes in the final price and the tax rate to calculate the cost of the item before tax is added. A reverse sales tax calculator is useful for consumers and business owners who want to get the sales price based on the tax rate and final price. It helps business owners to calculate their profit margin and set the cost of an item based on the final price.
To understand how a reverse sales tax calculator works, first learn how the standard sales tax works. The sales tax formula is given below. Total Price = Base Price + Sales Tax Where:
The reverse sales tax calculator flips the above formula. You first input the Total Price and the Sales Tax Rate, to calculate the Base Price. The formula for the reverse sales tax calculation is given below:
Let’s say you bought a product for $120 and the sales tax rate in your area is 10% (0.10). To find the base price (the original price before tax), use the formula:
Therefore, the original price of the product is $109.09, and the sales tax of $10.91 was added to reach the total price of $120.
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