Idaho Paycheck Calculator estimates the taxes deducted from your earnings as an employee, including Federal, Idaho State, Social Security and Medicare taxes.
Payroll Calculator Idaho |
Filing Status | Single
Married Filing Jointly |
Gross Pay | |
Enter Your Idaho Zip Code |
Tax Paid Yearly | |
Federal Tax | $6,801 |
State Tax | $2,774 |
Local Tax | $0 |
Social Security | |
Medicare | $986 |
Net Pay | $53,223 |
Filing Status | Taxable Income | Tax Rate |
Single | $1 to $4,693 | 0.0% |
Single | $4,674 + | 5.695% |
Married | $1 to $9,346 | 0.0% |
Married | $9,347 + | 5.695% |
Idaho has a flat income tax rate of 5.695% for all taxpayers in 2024, applicable to taxable income exceeding $4,693 for single filers or $9,346 for married couples filing jointly. This rate replaces the previous year's rate of 5.8%.
The state offers the following standard income tax deductions:
Idaho Tax Calculation Example:
Let’s calculate the taxes for a single filer living in Idaho who earns $75,000 annually.
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