California paycheck calculator estimates the taxes deducted from your earnings as an employee, including Federal, California State, Social Security and Medicare taxes.
Payroll Calculator California |
Filing Status | Single
Married Filing Jointly |
Gross Pay | ||
Enter Your California Zip Code |
Tax Paid Yearly | |
Federal Tax | $12,741 |
State Tax | $4,989 |
Local Tax | $0 |
Social Security | |
Medicare | $1,378 |
Net Pay | $70,002 |
California State Income Tax Rate |
Taxable Income (Single) | Taxable Income (Married) | Tax Rate |
$0 – $10,412 | $0 – $20,824 | 1.00% |
$10,412 – $24,684 | $20,824 – $49,368 | 2.00% |
$24,684 – $38,959 | $49,368 – $77,918 | 4.00% |
$38,959 – $54,081 | $77,918 – $108,162 | 6.00% |
$54,081 – $68,350 | $108,162 – $136,700 | 8.00% |
$68,350 – $349,137 | $136,700 – $698,274 | 9.30% |
$349,137 – $418,961 | $698,274 – $837,922 | 10.30% |
$418,961 – $698,271 | $837,922 – $1,396,542 | 11.30% |
$698,271 and over | $1,396,542 and over | 12.30% |
California's income tax system includes nine tax brackets, with rates ranging from 1% to 12.3%, depending on the taxpayer's income. Here are the details for the highest bracket:
Additionally, there is an extra 1% surtax, known as the "Mental Health Services Tax," applied to incomes over $1 million.
Local Taxes
Unlike cities such as New York City, California does not impose a local income tax in any of its municipalities.
However, residents may still be liable for other local taxes, including property taxes and sales taxes, which vary by county and city.
California offers a standard deduction of:
California Tax Calculation Example:
Let’s calculate the taxes for a single filer living in California who earns $55,000 annually.
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